
Assistant Professor

University of Maryland, College Park


Cunxi is an Assistant Professor in the ECE Department (A. James Clark School of Engineering), and an affiliated Assistant Professor in the CS Department, at the University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests focus on novel algorithms, systems, and hardware designs for computing and security. Before joining University of Maryland, Cunxi was Assistant Professor with University of Utah, and held PostDoc at Cornell University (with Prof. Zhiru Zhang) and EPFL in 2017-2018 (with Prof. Giovanni De Micheli). Cunxi was a research intern at IBM T.J Watson Research Center in 2015 and 2016. He received Ph.D. degree from UMass Amherst in 2017 under Prof. Maciej Ciesielski. His work received the Best Paper Award at DAC (2023), Best Paper Nominations at ASP-DAC (2017), TCAD (2018), and 1st place at DAC Hack@DAC (2017), NSF CAREER Award (2021), and American Physical Society DLS poster award (2022). CV

I am very fortunate to work with a group of talented researchers and students! I am actively seeking students who show strong interests in EDA and formal methods research.

I am deeply grateful to my wife and our two beloved cats, Bagel and Oreo, for their unwavering support and companionship.

Recent talks



ML-based Synthesis & Design Automation Systems
  • Verilog-to-PyG (PyTorch-geometric) (A framework for Graph Learning on RTL Designs) [Github]
  • Gamora (DAC'23) (graph learning 4 Boolean reasoning) [Github]
  • FlowTune (ICCAD'20, TCAD'22) (w end-to-end FPGA/ASIC support) [Github]
  • FlowGen (DAC'18)[Github] (replaced by FlowTune)
Formal Verification System


  • PhD Students: Yingjie Li (ECE, Sp'20 - ), Jiaqi Yin (ECE, Sp'21 - ), Mingju Liu (ECE, Fall'22 - ), Curie Kim (CS, Sp'24), Song Zhan (ECE, Fall'24)
  • Undergrad: Carsten Portner (NSF REU; S'24 - ), Qihao Hu
  • Alumnus:

    Professional Service

  • Organizing Committee: ASAP'19, ICCD'(21-23), VLSI-SoC'20, General Chair@IWLS'23, MLCAD'24
  • TPC Member: IWLS*6, DATE*5, ASP-DAC*4, ICCAD*6, DAC*5, ICCD*2
  • Session chair: DAC*4, ICCAD*2
  • Journal review portfolYOU


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